“Hidden” – A picture book about empathy and the depth of our feelings
Every person carries a story within them that is not visible at first glance. This makes it all the more important to approach each other with empathy - and this is exactly what the sensitive picture book "Hidden" by bestselling author and illustrator Cori Doerrfeld conveys. With great attention to detail, she makes the invisible connections and the complexity of our feelings understandable for children aged 3 and over.
The story begins in an everyday way: Finn wants to hide under a blanket and not talk about his feelings. But his grandfather convinces him to go for a walk, which takes Finn into a world full of hidden wonders. Together they discover the branching roots of the trees, the lively activity under the sea surface and the fascinating hiding places of various animal species.
A central theme of the book is the invisible connection between people. Sensitive illustrations show how experiences, similarities and needs shape our actions without us noticing. Finally, Finn discovers a deep connection to his grandfather - and lovingly shares his protective blanket at the end.
“Hidden” is more than just a picture book. It is a touching invitation to look behind the surface, to practice compassion and to discover the fine threads of interpersonal relationships. A wonderful reading experience for children and adults alike, which makes the importance of empathy come alive in an impressive way.