Libro infantil bilingüe a partir de 3 anos
Lars, the polar osito, is just floating on an island in the sea in the middle of the sea. Cuando el islote se derrite Lars consigue salvarse subiéndose a un barrel. Comienza and viaje lleno de adventures hasta que finalmente llega africa. Aunque allí everything is very emotional, the osito polar echa de menos su frío y blanco hogar. Afortunadamente sus new friends, a hipopótamo and a ballena, le ayudan a encontrar el camino de vuelta a casa.
with multilingual audio library and MP3 for download
Bilingual children's book for ages 3 and up
Lars, the little polar bear, is drifting all alone on a floe in the middle of the sea. When the floe melts, he just manages to save himself by climbing onto a barrel. An adventurous journey begins. Eventually, Lars ends up in Africa. That is exciting, but the little Polar bear misses his cold, white home. Luckily, his new friends, a hippo and a whale, help him find his way back home.
with multilingual MP3 audiobook for download
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